These dolls are really easy and quick to make, and very fun to play with. Here's how to make them.
You will need:
a skein of yarn
a music stand or partner's arms
A scrap of fabric for skirt (optional)
First, take your yarn and start wrapping it around the music stand like shown in the picture. If you do not have a music stand on hand, you can use a partner by wrapping it around their outstretched arms. Once you have wrapped it around about 100 times, or however thick you want your doll to be, take it carefully off and tie a piece of yarn around the center. Cut the ends so that they are individual strings rather than a loop. Next flip one side over the other so that the yarn resembles Cousin It's hair. (from the Addams Family) Take another piece of yarn and tie off a head. Section off 9 strands of yarn from each side for the arms and braid them, each section having three strands. Once you have reached your preferred length, tie off the ends and trim them to make fingers. Then tie off a waist and you're done! If you want your doll to be a boy, just tie off two legs by splitting the bottom in half.